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How to Check your Horse's Saddle Fit
To determine if your saddle is comfortable for your horse when he is being ridden, saddle up as usual. While mounted, have someone from the ground slip the flat of their hand under the front edge of your saddle, just over or in front of the withers. If the gullet of the saddle is too narrow, your helper will be unable to get their hand inserted here. If they can place their hand under the gullet, it may feel tight while the horse is standing still. This is because the horse’s shoulder rotates slightly outward at the top when at...
Easy Stretch Exercises for Sway Back Horses
Did you know there is an easy (and fun!) trick you can do with your horse to help engage, stretch and strengthen their back and core muscles that can help even out a sway back? Watch our video to find out how in under two minutes.
Developing Impulsion in Your Gaited Horse
Training your gaited trail horse to walk consistently with good forward impulsion is going to make your rides more enjoyable, for both you and your horse. Read part 1 of this 2 part series about how to develop impulsion in your gaited horse.
Can I collect my gaited horse?
Collection involves riding with impulsion from the horse’s loins which travels through its ‘transmission’ system (back/shoulders/neck/poll), to the bridle–where it is ‘collected into,’ and controlled by, the rider’s hand. A horse that is ridden in true collection has good engagement of its hind...
Choosing a Bit for Your Horse and How Horse Bits Work
Choosing the best, most gentle bit for your horse. How to tell!